Philips S388

Philips S388

Стандарт: GSM 900/ 1900 + 3G
Год выпуска: 2014
Класс: средний класс

Philips S388 - выполнен в форм-факторе моноблок и поддерживает работу с 2 SIM-картами. Имеет 4.5 дюймовый дисплей с разрешением 960 на 540 пикселей, 5 МП камеру с автофокусом и вспышкой, 3.5 дюймовый разъём для подключения наушников, поддержку карт памяти microSD, FM-радио, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi и GPS модули.

Philips S388

Philips S388 Philips S388 Philips S388
Philips S388

Аккумулятор Philips S388
· Li-Ion, 1700 мАч
Сигналы Philips S388
· Мелодии: встроенные , загружаемые. Тип: mp3, wave, aac
· Полифония
· Виброзвонок
Дисплей Philips S388
· Размер: 4.5 дюймовый дисплей с разрешением 960 на 540 пикселей
· Описание: LCD
· Цвета: 16000000
· Touchscreen
Фотокамера Philips S388
· Разрешение: 5 МП
· Съемка видео
· Формат видео: mp4
· Вспышка
· Автофокус
Карта расширения памяти Philips S388
· Тип карты памяти: microSD
Коммуникации Philips S388

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Мобильный интернет Philips S388

· HTML браузер
Мобильное позиционирование Philips S388
PDA Philips S388

· Операционная система: Android OS, v4.2
Меню Philips S388

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31.07.2015 19:50 От: yacek19721

Здравствуйте, помогите разблокировать вторую сим-карту в телефоне филипс S388, сим-карту достала, а когда поставила назад, то она не обнаруживается в телефоне. В другом телефоне работает,

31.07.2015 20:13 От: yacek19721

Спасибо!!!!! Сама разобралась. Ура!!!

24.10.2015 11:56 От: tulontuanh

f six ending words appear.You may like to read some of Sylvia Plath's sestinas to become acquainted with this develop. Two forms that are closely related to one another are typically the villanelle as well as pantoum.A villanelle, your nineteen-line poem, is derived from five 3-line stanzas and one 4-line stanza (or quatrain) in the end of typically the poem.Alternating regarding the ends of each tercet (3-line stanza) there are actually two refrains who eventually find themselves forming the last two lines within the quatrain.Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Light Into The fact that Good Night" is an illustration of a villanelle.A pantoum is comprised 100 % of quatrains.In each stanza another and next lines can be repeated in the first and third lines of your following stanza, prior to the final stanza where the first line is a poem's first as well as second line is the poem's third line."Evening Harmony" by Charles Baudelaire is an illustration of a pantoum. Free saying does are available various methods, the most commonly encountered being pushed by cadence whereby common tongue rhythm is substituted intended for regular metrical sequence, which can be seen in that works for Walt Whitman as well as King David Bible version of the Psalms and also Song about Solomon. The second type for free verse is complimentary iambic verse that's used simply by such poets since T.VERTISEMENTS.Eliot plus W.THEY WOULD.Auden. Still another form is the free verse proper, the best used sort, where the inconsistency is in the biggest market of the poem.There is not a set metrical rhyme or simply patterns of meter and even rhythm.Compared with traditional saying, free form will not be constrained by the rules controlling syllables in stanzas. There is sometimes confusion about what is meant by artistic poetry.When you've got written a very descriptive poem in terms of a whale, it is usually a excellent free saying poem, yet not visual.When you've got written the same poem as well as presentation of your piece is in the shape of a whale, you may have written your visual poem. In order further more knowledge about poetry terms and conditions, take a review of John Drury's "The Beautifully constructed wording Dictionary." It all defines key terms to be in that vocabulary of the poet.Primarily, keep writing! Poetry gives a wonderful shop for paying attention, exploration, plus healing. <title>Moncler Himalaya Cheap For Mens Down Jackets Dark Red [MMJ-0036] - $1,128.00 : Cheap Moncler Outlet Online Store,</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Moncler Himalaya Cheap For Mens Down Jackets Dark Red [MMJ-0036] Moncler 2013 Moncler Clearance Kids Moncler Boots Moncler Coats Mens Professional Moncler Outlet Online Store" /> <meta name="description" content="Cheap Moncler Outlet Online Store Moncler Himalaya Cheap For Mens Down Jackets Dark Red [MMJ-0036] - Moncler Himalaya Womens Coats,deeply loved by people since is was important the down jackets are in the frozen days ? you can imagine how will it be if you stay in winter without a coat which can keep you warm.More and more people are crazing about the moncler clothing,for it " /> <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />

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<div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText"> <p><strong>Moncler Himalaya Womens Coats</strong>,deeply loved by people since is was important the down jackets are in the frozen days ? you can imagine how will it be if you stay in winter without a coat which can keep you warm.More and more people are crazing about the moncler clothing,for it can keep you warm as well as stylish.</p><p>Plate type: Slim type<br />Collar: Hooded<br />Sleeve Length: Long Sleeve<br />Sleeve Type: General Sleeve<br />Clothing Placket: Zipper<br />Filler: 100% white goose down<br />For the crowd: ladies<br />Color: dark red</p><p><strong>Moncler Himalaya Cheap For Mens Down Jackets Dark Red</strong>,Moncler a clothing sensation beginning in the fashion capital of the world, France. Moncler was found in the 1950's by Rene Ramilion. This collection has been created to interpret an urban and modern style through the eyes of class and elegance. Moncler is a collection specialising in outdoor clothing.</p></div>

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<ul id="productDetailsList" class="floatingBox back"> <li>Model: MMJ-0036</li>

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f six ending words appear.You may like to read some of Sylvia Plath's sestinas to become acquainted with this develop.<br /> <br /> Two forms that are closely related to one another are typically the villanelle as well as pantoum.A villanelle, your nineteen-line poem, is derived from five 3-line stanzas and one 4-line stanza (or quatrain) in the end of typically the poem.Alternating regarding the ends of each tercet (3-line stanza) there are actually two refrains who eventually find themselves forming the last two lines within the quatrain.Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Light Into The fact that Good Night" is an illustration of a villanelle.A pantoum is comprised 100 % of quatrains.In each stanza another and next lines can be repeated in the first and third lines of your following stanza, prior to the final stanza where the first line is a poem's first as well as second line is the poem's third line."Evening Harmony" by Charles Baudelaire is an illustration of a pantoum.<br /> <br /> Free saying does are available various methods, the most commonly encountered being pushed by cadence whereby common tongue rhythm is substituted intended for regular metrical sequence, which can be seen in that works for Walt Whitman as well as King David Bible version of the Psalms and also Song about Solomon.<br /> <br /> The second type for free verse is complimentary iambic verse that's used simply by such poets since T.VERTISEMENTS.Eliot plus W.THEY WOULD.Auden.<br /> <br /> Still another form is the free verse proper, the best used sort, where the inconsistency is in the biggest market of the poem.There is not a set metrical rhyme or simply patterns of meter and even rhythm.Compared with traditional saying, free form will not be constrained by the rules controlling syllables in stanzas.<br /> <br /> There is sometimes confusion about what is meant by artistic poetry.When you've got written a very descriptive poem in terms of a whale, it is usually a excellent free saying poem, yet not visual.When you've got written the same poem as well as presentation of your piece is in the shape of a whale, you may have written your visual poem.<br /> <br /> In order further more knowledge about poetry terms and conditions, take a review of John Drury's "The Beautifully constructed wording Dictionary." It all defines key terms to be in that vocabulary of the poet.Primarily, keep writing! Poetry gives a wonderful shop for paying attention, exploration, plus healing.<br><br><a href=""> Mens blog </a><br><br><a href=""> Boots </a><br><br><a href=""> About blog </a>

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31.03. Анонсы: Телефон с большими кнопками Philips Xenium E311 /
Официально представлен новый телефон с большими кнопками Philips Xenium E311, который смело можно причислить к разряду бабушкофонов. Выход новинки на прилавки запланирован на апрель. Ориентировочная цена – 4500 рублей. Док-станция входит в комплект поставки.

03.12. Анонсы: Philips S398 – новый недорогой смартфон на российском рынке /
В России вышел в продажу новый доступный смартфон Philips S398. Ориентировочная цена новинки – 8000 рублей.

21.10. Анонсы: Новый флагманский смартфон Philips i966 /
Philips представляет новый флагманский смартфон Philips i966. Девайс обещают выпустить в продажу 1 ноября. Цена новинки на данный момент не известна. Примечательно, что смартфон работает на основе Alibaba YunOS 3.0, базирующейся на Android.

23.04. Анонсы: Philips W6618 с аккумулятором емкостью 5300 мАч /
Анонсирован новый смартфон Philips W6618, главное достоинство которого – емкий аккумулятор: целых 5300 мАч. Это позволит смартфону проработать без подзарядки до 33 часов в режиме разговора или 66 дней в режиме ожидания.

28.01. Анонсы: Philips Xenium X1560: 100 дней без подзарядки /
Компания CEC (China Electronics Corporation), обладающая эксклюзивными правами на продажу телефонов под брендами Philips и Xenium, представляет новый телефон с долгоиграющим аккумулятором Philips Xenium X1560. Благодаря энергосберегающей технологии Xenium, девайс проработает в режиме разговора до 40 часов или целых 100 дней продержится в режиме ожидания.